Information for You and Your Pets

There are many sources of pet information on the Internet and it can be difficult to know which ones to trust. That's why our articles are written in-house by the same doctor you can talk to right here at Creekside Veterinary Clinic. Click below to choose an article about some of the common concerns you might experience with your pets.
Getting Your Cat to the Clinic
Most kitties are home bodies. The idea of world travel, or even travel across town, isn’t appealing to them. There are ways to make your kitty’s trip less stressful for you and for them.
It’s helpful to look at this from your cat’s perspective. More than likely, the only time the noisy/clangy carrier comes out is when the kitty will be stuffed in, loaded into the unfamiliar and noisy environment of a car, and taken to a place where there are pokey needles. Much can be done to help.
First, let’s make that initial loading into the carrier much smoother. Ideally, the process starts weeks or even months before their visit.
- Leave the carrier out in a visible area and give your cat some treats and petting around the carrier.
- Put a thin bed or towel in the carrier to make it inviting. Let the carrier become a cozy little kitty cave.
- When they start spending time in the carrier, begin to feed their favorite treats inside the carrier.
- Feliway™ wipes or sprays have feline facial pheromone that helps to reassure kitties that everything is okay, so treating the carrier prior to transport can also help relieve stress. Feliway is available at our clinic.
When they finally do need to load up, even though the car itself is unfamiliar, being in a familiar and comforting carrier can go a long way toward easing your kitty’s concerns.
Once cats arrive at the clinic, we always strive to reduce their stress. We get them into a quiet room as soon as possible and do the exam slowly, letting their comfort level determine the pace. Sometimes we’ll do the exam while kitties are in the half shell of their cozy, safe carrier, often with a soft towel hide-away to help them feel less exposed. For extra worried or grumpy cats, we can avoid harsh leather gloves with a strategic double layer of towels and sometimes some sedation before they even come to the clinic.
Most cats see their veterinarian only half as often as dogs. One major reason is that their owners are avoiding putting them through the stress of traveling to the veterinarian. However, for an adult cat, one year is like four human years, so it’s important for them to have regular checkups. With a little preparation before the trip and with the calming approach we take at Creekside Veterinary Clinic, we can make those visits a whole lot easier.