Information for You and Your Pets

There are many sources of pet information on the Internet and it can be difficult to know which ones to trust. That's why our articles are written in-house by the same doctor you can talk to right here at Creekside Veterinary Clinic. Click below to choose an article about some of the common concerns you might experience with your pets.
Plump or Petite, Help them Stay Sweet

What does it mean if my cat or dog gets fat (or skinny) and their food hasn’t even changed? That’s an important question to be able to answer.
There are many reasons for sudden weight gain or loss and there can be different reasons for it in dogs and cats. If you notice a weight change, it’s important to note whether your pet is eating more or less than normal. For example, a dog that is eating less, but is still quite rotund, may have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). In this case, significant weight gain, often coupled with decreased activity, decreased appetite and/or skin problems, could indicate a serious, but treatable, medical disease. On the other hand, if your kitty is losing lots of weight and she’s ravenously hungry and kind of hyperactive, she may be hyperthyroid. This is also a very serious, yet treatable disease. If dogs and cats are losing weight coupled with drinking lots of water and urinating a lot, we may need to look for diabetes mellitus and kidney disease. Heart disease and cancer, among many others, can be causes for weight loss. These are generally illnesses of middle-aged and older pets, but what about the younger crowd? The biggest time for weight gain in the youngsters is after spaying or neutering. The metabolism goes down after this rite of passage, so the food dish contents should go down also! If your pet doesn’t relish going out in Oregon’s cold, rainy winters, they may tend to put on the pounds as they enjoy their couch potato existence. Just be sure to cut their food back a bit when they’re less active and to increase it when Frisbee season returns.
These are a few examples of what could be causing weight changes in your pet. The important point to note is that these problems that cause weight changes are often treatable. Treatment that is started earlier is usually most effective, so it’s important to get your chunky or skinny pet in for an evaluation as soon as possible. A work-up will generally include a thorough physical evaluation (there are lots of clues based on listening to the heart, palpation, etc.), blood work and a urinalysis. There are times when radiographs may be warranted. Your veterinarian can help you get to the bottom of the problem and outline a plan to help prolong and improve the quality of your pet’s life and time with you.